Republicans Take Aim at Subsidies that Help Millions of Women

“With this new administration that is coming in…I really am concerned about the lives of women. We are seeing so many policies, so many budget cuts,” said Christian F. Nunes, president of the National Organization for Women.

What the end of DEI means for women

Walmart decision “is opening up Pandora’s Box for lots of discrimination and harassment.” Christian Nunes, president of the National Organization for Women

Repealing no-fault divorce has so far stalled across the US. Some worry that’ll change under Trump

“…removing ‘no fault’ divorce is another way for the government to control women, their bodies, and their lives. Eliminating no-fault divorce is also a backdoor way of eliminating gay marriage, since this implies that a marriage is only between a man and a woman.” Christian F. Nunes

Is violence against women increasing under Trump?

“I think the election gave men permission to say and do what they already thought”. – Bear Atwood, Vice President of NOW

One Republican Votes Against Giving Donald Trump’s Admin More Power

The National Organization for Women called the legislation “another piece of performance by the extremists in Congress” aimed at giving Trump “dictatorial power” to mobilize against groups like theirs.